About Us

MSD Animal Health in New Zealand draws its products from a wide base of innovative, high quality veterinary products. Both locally and internationally MSD Animal Health is dedicated to research and development which is leading to innovative products that make a real difference to animal health.
In New Zealand, MSD Animal Health has a wide range of products and services that help veterinarians, pet owners and farmers care for their animals. Some of those products are manufactured here in New Zealand whereas others are manufactured in dedicated plants in other parts of the world. Many of New Zealand’s leading veterinarians, farmers and pet owners choose MSD Animal Health’s quality products to help protect and treat the animals in their care.
History of MSD Animal Health’s Global Vaccine Unit
MSD Animal Health’s high tech bacterial vaccine manufacturing facility is situated in Upper Hutt, a residential city, just outside New Zealand’s capital city Wellington.
The manufacturing site being located in clean green New Zealand has a unique advantage because of the country’s relative “disease free” status. MSD Animal Health is a manufacturer of bacterial vaccines which protect against a variety of diseases of sheep, cattle, deer and pigs.
The Upper Hutt manufacturing plant was commissioned in 1993. It’s design meets the regulatory requirements of all global markets.
Vaccines are supplied to Australia and New Zealand, the European Union, North America and Africa with over 80% of production going to export. The New Zealand company was started as Trentham Veterinary Laboratories in 1946 by Lewis Fitch, OBE, D. Sc Hon, BSc, FACVSc. Lewis Fitch applied for a licence to manufacture clostridial vaccines locally and in 1951 production began at the present Whakatiki Street site.
From a small family business, Trentham Veterinary Laboratories was to become New Zealand’s leading animal health company. Through a series of mergers it has now become part of one of the world’s largest animal health companies.

Site Capability
- Experienced and dedicated staff
- Complies with Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) standards
- Vaccines produced in “clean-green” New Zealand
- Site that can support large volume vaccine production; (quality, logistics / purchasing / stores, research and development, finance)
- Class A accredited
- Regulatory licences that allow export to Australia / North and South America / European Union / Africa