Product Details


Active Ingredients 
Serum gonadatrophin 300 IU/mL when reconstituted (Chorulon 1500IU)
Serum gonadatrophin 1000 IU/mL when reconstituted (Chorulon 5000IU)

For hormonal manipulation in cattle, horses, dogs, goats, pigs and queen cats. May assist in the treatment of anoestrus and suboestrus, post partum cystic ovaries associated with or without nymphomania, deficient sex drive and to improve conception rates.

Give by intramuscular, subcutaneous or intravenous injection. Injection site in food-producing animals is in the anterior half of the neck.

MareANOESTRUS – Suboestrus, follicles 2cm diam. or more1500-3000 IU s/c or i/m. Repeat in 2-3 days if required.
CYSTIC OVARIES associated with nymphomania1500-5000 IU s/c or i/m. Repeat in 1 month if necessary.
OESTRUS – prolonged1500-5000 IU i/v.
StallionDEFICIENT SEX DRIVE1500 IU i/m twice weekly for 4-6 weeks.
CowTo improve CONCEPTION1000-3000 IU s/c or i/m weekly for first four weeks after service.
ANOESTRUS – Suboestrus and true anoestrus of heifers1000-2000 IU s/c or i/m with expression of corpus luteum if desired.
CYSTIC OVARIES – With or without nymphomania. Expression or drainage of cysts followed by CHORULON3000 IU i/v or i/m. Repeat 8-10 days later if corpus luteum forms.
OESTRUS – prolonged
Failure of or delayed ovulation
1500-3000 IU i/v. Give 1500 IU i/m 8-10 days later if corpus luteum poorly developed.
BullDEFICIENT SEX DRIVE HYPOGONADISM1500 IU i/m twice weekly for 4-6 weeks.
GoatTo improve CONCEPTION100-500 IU i/m on day of service.
Billy Goat
DEFICIENT SEX DRIVE HYPOGONADISM500 IU i/m twice weekly for 4-6 weeks.
SowTo improve CONCEPTION500-1000 IU i/m on day of service.
BoarDEFICIENT SEX DRIVE HYPOGONADISM500 IU i/m twice weekly for 4-6 weeks.
BitchTo improve CONCEPTIONUp to 500 IU i/m on day of service.
CYSTIC OVARIES ASSOCIATED WITH NYMPHOMANIAUp to 500 IU i/m. One dose is usually adequate.
OESTRUS – prolonged, failure of or delayed ovulationUp to 500 IU i/m as a single dose.
OESTRUS – terminationUp to 500 IU i/m as a single dose.
DogDEFICIENT SEX DRIVE AND FEMINISATION (either at puberty or associated with testicular neoplasia)Up to 500 IU i/m twice weekly for 4-6 weeks.
Queen CatOESTRUS – terminationUp to 500 IU i/m as a single dose.

Withholding Period

ACVM NO: A1419 and A2377 

Additional Information:
Pack Size: 5 x 1500IU bottle with 5 x 5mL diluent
Bar Code: 8 713184 091796

Pack Size: 5 x 5000IU bottle with 5 x 5mL diluent
Bar Code: 8 713184 091697